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The C-MAP handbook is now available

C-MAP partnership is proud to present the C-MAP Handbook – the most important project output. It is a practical handbook aimed at team leaders and managers interested in improving the performance of teams and team members and their own personal performance and impact as a team leader and managers.

The Handbook is available for downloading from our Resources page.

Developing the CMAP Concept and Training

Lead by Exponential Training, the Erasmus+ partners created a new coaching methodology and training programme – the CMAP Model. The aim was to develop a simple, but powerful tool to enable managers to deliver high impact coaching sessions to help team members to improve their performance.

The team researched the concept of ‘high performance work practices’ (HPWPs) and used these to create a set of twelve pre-prepared CMAP on different issues. Using the well known ‘GROW’ Coaching Model, partners create the CMAP coach template setting out the steps involved in delivering impactful coaching sessions. Read More

Institute of Technology Tralee and Cork Institute of Technology merge to form Irelands second Technological University.

On January 1st 2021, The Institute of Technology Tralee (ITT) and Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) merged to form the Munster Technological University (MTU) – the second Technological University to be formed in Ireland.  The new university operates across 6 campuses in Cork and Tralee and has a student population of 18,000 students. Read More

Training the Trainer in C-MAP

Training the Trainer in C-MAP started on 25 of January 2021 and will last 3 days until 27 of January 2021. Sixteen participants from the C-MAP project countries Ireland, the U.K., the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal and Bulgaria will learn about the newly developed coaching-based methodology and a new performance management tool, developed under the C-MAP project. Read More

IT Tralee and European Programmes: An Ongoing Success Story

There was considerable cause for celebration in IT Tralee last month after the college won a European Language Label Award in recognition of its achievements in the field of European projects.

To learn more for the award and why IT Tralee and European programmes have enjoyed a long and illustrious relationship, what the programmes brought to the college and those participating, and whether the pull towards the programmes tend to be personal, professional or a mixture of both, you can find out watching the interview with Kristin Brogan. With her 17-years’ journey in European programmes, Kristin is IT Tralee’s coordinator and promoter of Erasmus+, including C-MAP Project Manager.
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