The first transnational meeting for the C-MAP project took place on 12 January 2020 in Tralee, Ireland marking the beginning of the project activities with a strong kick-start. The event was hosted by the Irish project partner – Institute Technology Tralee.

The meeting started with presentations by partnering organizations Institute of Technology Tralee from Ireland – lead partner, Exponential Training & Assessment Limited from the UK, Mindshift Talent Advisory lda from Portugal, Learning Hub Friesland Foundation from the Netherlands, Varna Economic Development Agency from Bulgaria and Consorzio Friuli Formazione from Italy. In a friendly environment the meeting continued with discussions on the upcoming project tasks over the next 6 months of the project, related to management, dissemination and evaluation activities, as well as to preparation for the development of the first intellectual product.

C-MAP is a project co-funded by Erasmus+ program under the KA202 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training (January 2020 – December 2021) that aims to develop a new work-based coaching methodology, VET Curriculum and course (IO1) and C-MAP Toolkit IO2) plus a Handbook for Work-based Coaching (IO3) to help VET teachers and trainers to enable team leaders and managers in partners’ countries to implement effective work-based coaching to support and improve the performance of teams and individuals.